Sunday, December 15, 2013

Evergreen Valley High School

3300 Quimby Rd
San Jose, CA 95148
Neighborhood: Evergreen
(408) 347-7000
          Oh my god! This place looks so familiar!
Oh wait! I live here 6 hours a day, 5 days a week...
          From the age of 5 to 18, school is probably the most prominent government institution...ever. It's important to be at school, as the school had reminded us every single school year quite frankly, "Each of you are worth xxx amount of money, and we need you to be here, and if you're not *_* we WILL hunt you down and put you in Saturday School. Keep that cash flowing." Those were not their exact words, but they might as well had just said it.
The future is bright with this one.
          I learned a lot in school, amongst them is the fact that not going to school is illegal. The education system was established to provide students with equal opportunities to succeed later on in life (a.k.a. work). Some might argue that public education was started to assimilate immigrants and other cultural foreigners into U.S. culture, but whatever. In 2013, the gist is that it prepares you for your career, and therefore, concern is rising due to the fact statistics that shows schools are NOT preparing students for the workforce, and this in turn, leads to anticipations of revamping the education system. If we learn anything from history and experience, it is that our democratic(ish) government and our love for debates won't be letting us see any actions for probably a good few decades.
          Nevertheless, public education is a great social service provided to us b the government, and it's quite hard to complain when we're given an opportunity at expanding our knowledge and future free of charge. As we look upon this place with bitter hatred, we will be looking back at it as fond memories of "the good ol' days'' in the distant future.

1 comment:

  1. :( You mean MUCH more to us than ADA! Sorry if we made you feel that way.
